
Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Google STEP (Summer Trainee Engineering Program) Internship in Australia

Google is offering STEP (Summer Trainee Engineering Program) Internship in Australia for 2016. This program is open to all qualified university students and is committed to addressing diversity in our company and in the technology industry. International applicants are eligible to apply for this internship programme.  Students should have programming experience in either Java, Python, C, or C++. Applications are due by May 10, 2016.

Field of Internship: Internship is offered in the field of Software Engineering. This program includes three main components: a software project, skills-based training, and professional development. 
Course Level: Internship
Internship Provider: Google
Internship can be taken at: Australia

Eligibility: Minimum qualifications:
-Students must be a first or second year student currently enrolled in a 4 year Bachelor’s program, majoring or intending to major in Computer Science or Electrical and Computer Engineering.
-Students must be attending a university in Australia or New Zealand.
-Studying towards a BS/MS in Computer Science or equivalent.
-Preferred qualifications:
-Students should have programming experience in either Java, Python, C, or C++.
-Students in their second year should have two Computer Science courses.
-Students in their first year should have taken one Computer Science course.

Internship Open for International Students: International applicants are eligible to apply for this internship programme.

Is this paid internship? This is a paid internship programme.

Internship Description: Google aspires to be an organization that reflects the globally diverse audience that our search engine and tools serve. We believe that in addition to hiring the best talent, a diversity of perspectives, ideas and cultures leads to the creation of better products and services. Google is invested in increasing the number of future computer scientists and software developers, particularly those who are historically underrepresented in the field. Many aspiring computer scientists could benefit from a program that bridges the gap between academic study and a professional internship. Google wants to inspire these students to continue in the field with such a program.

Number of awards offered: Not Known

Internship Duration: The duration of internship is 12 week.

Notification: Google team will review applications on a rolling basis and it’s in the candidates best interest to apply early. All hiring will be complete by August 2016.

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Internship Application Deadline: Applications are due by May 10, 2016.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

Why google doesn’t bother employing University Graduates

February 26, 2014 1 comment

You, too, can work in this office. Reuters/Mark Blinch


Google has spent years analyzing who succeeds at the company, which has moved away from a focus on GPAs, brand name schools, and interview brain teasers.  In a conversation with The New York Times’ Tom Friedman, Google’s head of people operations, Laszlo Bock, detailed what the company looks for. And increasingly, it’s not about credentials.

Graduates of top schools can lack “intellectual humility”

Megan McArdle argued recently that writers procrastinate “because they got too many A’s in English class.” Successful young graduates have been taught to rely on talent, which makes them unable to fail gracefully.

Google looks for the ability to step back and embrace other people’s ideas when they’re better. “It’s ‘intellectual humility.’ Without humility, you are unable to learn,” Bock says. “Successful bright people rarely experience failure, and so they don’t learn how to learn from that failure.”

Those people have an unfortunate reaction, Bock says:

“They, instead, commit the fundamental attribution error, which is if something good happens, it’s because I’m a genius. If something bad happens, it’s because someone’s an idiot or I didn’t get the resources or the market moved. … What we’ve seen is that the people who are the most successful here, who we want to hire, will have a fierce position. They’ll argue like hell. They’ll be zealots about their point of view. But then you say, ‘here’s a new fact,’ and they’ll go, ‘Oh, well, that changes things; you’re right.’”

People that make it without college are often the most exceptional

Talent exists in so many places that hiring managers who rely on a few schools are using it as a crutch and missing out. Bock says:

“When you look at people who don’t go to school and make their way in the world, those are exceptional human beings. And we should do everything we can to find those people.”

Many schools don’t deliver on what they promise, Bock says, but generate a ton of debt in return for not learning what’s most useful. It’s an “extended adolescence,” he says.

Learning ability is more important than IQ

Succeeding in academia isn’t always a sign of being able to do a job. Bock has previously said that college can be an “artificial environment” that conditions for one type of thinking. IQ is less valuable than learning on the fly, Bock says:

“For every job, though, the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not IQ. It’s learning ability. It’s the ability to process on the fly. It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make sure they’re predictive.”

A behavioral interview, in contrast with those that ask people to figure out how many tennis balls fit into a tennis court, might ask how you’ve reacted to a particularly difficult problem in the past. They can also help find people who fit the company’s definition of leadership. It’s not about leading a club at school or an impressive prior title, Bock says, but the ability to step up and lead when it’s necessary.

So many recruiters especially in Africa could learn a thing or two. This also made me reflect on the graduates who are running companies to the ground in Zimbabwe without a care about the staff or the company, or the economy.

Categories: General